The Perfection of Knowledge And the Proof Of the Power of Allah


6:38. There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (formart of) communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end.

6:39. Those who reject our signs are deaf and dumb,- in the midst of darknesrofound: whom Allah willeth, He leaveth to wander: whom He willeth, He placeth on the way that is straight.

6:40. Say: "Think ye to yourselves, if there come upon you the wrath of Allah, or the Hour (that ye dread), would ye then call upon other than Allah?- (reply) if ye are truthful!

6:41. "Nay,- On Him would ye call, and if it be His will, He would remove (the distress) which occasioned your call upon Him, and ye would forget (the false gods) which ye join with Him!"

6:42. Before thee We sent (messengers) to many nations, and We afflicted the nations with suffering and adversity, that they might learn humility.

6:43. When the suffering reached them from us, why then did they not learn humility? On the contrary their hearts became hardened, and Satan made their (sinful) acts seem alluring to them.

6:44. But when they forgot the warning they had received, We opened to them the gates of all (good) things, until, in the midst of their enjoyment of Our gifts, on a sudden, We called them to account, when lo! they were plunged in despair!

6:45. Of the wrong-doers the last remnant was cut off. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher of the worlds.

6:46. Say: "Think ye, if Allah took away your hearing and your sight, and sealed up your hearts, who - a god other than Allah - could restore them to you?" See how We explain the signs by various (symbols); yet they turn aside.

6:47. Say: "Think ye, if the punishment of Allah comes to you, whether suddenly or openly, will any be destroyed except those who do wrong?

6:48. We send the messengers only to give good news and to warn: so those who believe and mend (their lives),- upon them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

6:49. But those who reject our signs,- them shall punishment touch, for that they ceased not from transgressing.

Saying of Allah to Comfort the Heart of Prophet Muhammad


6:33. We know indeed the grief which their words do cause thee: It is not thee they reject: it is the signs of Allah, which the wicked contemn.

6:34. Rejected were the messengers before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Our aid did reach them: there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah. Already hast thou received some account of those messengers.

6:35. If their spurning is hard on thy mind, yet if thou wert able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the skies and bring them a sign,- (what good?). If it were Allah's will, He could gather them together unto true guidance: so be not thou amongst those who are swayed by ignorance (and impatience)!

6:36. Those who listen (in truth), be sure, will accept: as to the dead, Allah will raise them up; then will they be turned unto Him.

6:37. They say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Allah hath certainly power to send down a sign: but most of them understand not.

Evidence of Polytheist To himself And the Situation In the Doomsday


6:22. One day shall We gather them all together: We shall say to those who ascribed partners (to Us): "Where are the partners whom ye (invented and) talked about?"

6:23. There will then be (left) no subterfuge for them but to say: "By Allah our Lord, we were not those who joined gods with Allah."

6:24. Behold! how they lie against their own souls! But the (lie) which they invented will leave them in the lurch.

6:25. Of them there are some who (pretend to) listen to thee; but We have thrown veils on their hearts, So they understand it not, and deafness in their ears; if they saw every one of the signs, not they will believe in them; in so much that when they come to thee, they (but) dispute with thee; the Unbelievers say: "These are nothing but tales of the ancients."

6:26. Others they keep away from it, and themselves they keep away; but they only destroy their own souls, and they perceive it not.

6:27. If thou couldst but see when they are confronted with the Fire! They will say: "Would that we were but sent back! Then would we not reject the signs of our Lord, but would be amongst those who believe!"

6:28. Yea, in their own (eyes) will become manifest what before they concealed. But if they were returned, they would certainly relapse to the things they were forbidden, for they are indeed liars.

6:29. And they (sometimes) say: "There is nothing except our life on this earth, and never shall we be raised up again."

6:30. If thou couldst but see when they are confronted with their Lord! He will say: "Is not this the truth?" They will say: "Yea, by our Lord!" He will say: "Taste ye then the penalty, because ye rejected Faith."

6:31. Lost indeed are they who treat it as a falsehood that they must meet Allah,- until on a sudden the hour is on them, and they say: "Ah! woe unto us that we took no thought of it"; for they bear their burdens on their backs, and evil indeed are the burdens that they bear?

6:32. What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best is the home in the hereafter, for those who are righteous. Will ye not then understand?

Mightiness And Evidence of Allah For Prophet Muhammad


6:12. Say: "To whom belongeth all that is in the heavens and on earth?" Say: "To Allah. He hath inscribed for Himself (the rule of) Mercy. That He will gather you together for the Day of Judgment, there is no doubt whatever. It is they who have lost their own souls, that will not believe.

6:13. To him belongeth all that dwelleth (or lurketh) in the night and the day. For he is the one who heareth and knoweth all things."

6:14. Say: "Shall I take for my protector any other than Allah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth? And He it is that feedeth but is not fed." Say: "Nay! but I am commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah (in Islam), and be not thou of the company of those who join gods with Allah."

6:15. Say: "I would, if I disobeyed my Lord, indeed have fear of the penalty of a Mighty Day.

6:16. "On that day, if the penalty is averted from any, it is due to Allah's mercy; And that would be (Salvation), the obvious fulfilment of all desire.

6:17. "If Allah touch thee with affliction, none can remove it but He; if He touch thee with happiness, He hath power over all things.

6:18. "He is the irresistible, (watching) from above over His worshippers; and He is the Wise, acquainted with all things."

6:19. Say: "What thing is most weighty in evidence?" Say: "Allah is witness between me and you; This Qur'an hath been revealed to me by inspiration, that I may warn you and all whom it reaches. Can ye possibly bear witness that besides Allah there is another Allah?" Say: "Nay! I cannot bear witness!" Say: "But in truth He is the one Allah, and I truly am innocent of (your blasphemy of) joining others with Him."

6:20. Those to whom We have given the Book know this as they know their own sons. Those who have lost their own souls refuse therefore to believe.

6:21. Who doth more wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah or rejecteth His signs? But verily the wrong-doers never shall prosper.

Reason of Heathendom of Muslims And the Threat To Them


6: 4. But never did a single one of the signs of their Lord reach them, but they turned away therefrom.

6: 5. And now they reject the truth when it reaches them: but soon shall they learn the reality of what they used to mock at.

6: 6. See they not how many of those before them We did destroy?- generations We had established on the earth, in strength such as We have not given to you - for whom We poured out rain from the skies in abundance, and gave (fertile) streams flowing beneath their (feet): yet for their sins We destroyed them, and raised in their wake fresh generations (to succeed them).

6: 7. If We had sent unto thee a written (message) on parchment, so that they could touch it with their hands, the Unbelievers would have been sure to say: "This is nothing but obvious magic!"

6: 8. They say: "Why is not an angel sent down to him?" If we did send down an angel, the matter would be settled at once, and no respite would be granted them.

6: 9. If We had made it an angel, We should have sent him as a man, and We should certainly have caused them confusion in a matter which they have already covered with confusion.

6:10. Mocked were (many) messengers before thee; but their scoffers were hemmed in by the thing that they mocked.

6:11. Say: "Travel through the earth and see what was the end of those who rejected Truth."

Chapter And Verse About the Oneness of Allah


6: 1. Praise be Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet those who reject Faith hold (others) as equal, with their Guardian-Lord.

6: 2. He it is created you from clay, and then decreed a stated term (for you). And there is in Hiresence another determined term; yet ye doubt within yourselves!

6: 3. And He is Allah in the heavens and on earth. He knoweth what ye hide, and what ye reveal, and He knoweth the (recompense) which ye earn (by your deeds).